среда, 15 апреля 2020 г.

Тест по модулю 5. Начинаем работать!

                   Test 5 Module 5 (Starlight 5)
A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
turn • ancient • sword • attend • crazy • intelligence • temple • goods • fashionable • busy • board
1 Pompeii was a ………. city because its narrow streets were often full of people.
2 What ………. Roman cities do you know?
3 Girls couldn’t ………. schools in Ancient Egypt.
4 Excalibur was a magic ………. which was stuck into a large stone.
5 When the ancient Egyptians had free time, they played ………. games.
6 Ancient myths say that Merlin could ………. into a bird or cloud.
7 When Julia visited Rome, she saw a ………. with statues of Roman gods.
8 Do you know Greg? He’s got a lot of books. He is ………. about reading!
9 The Vikings were traders and transported ………. in their boats.
10 I think dresses with floral prints are ………. now.

В Underline the correct Item.
1 The hippy style and rock and roll bands were very big / popular hit in the 1960s.
2 The ancient Egyptians built their homes of stone / mud bricks.
3 King Arthur wanted to fight in a local competition / tournament.
4 Today we think of Merlin as an old man who had magical powers / battles.

С  Put was (2) /were (2), wasn’t/weren’t, had/didn’t have, did or could (3).
a) Where 1. ………. you yesterday? -  I 2. ………. a party with my friends.
b) The people of Pompeii 3. ………. any cinemas or supermarkets.
c) 4. ………. Kelly at school last week? – No, she 5. ………. . She went on holiday with her family.
d) 6. ………. the Aztecs have cars? – No, they used boats.
e) 7. ………. the ancient Egyptians built pyramids? – Yes, 8. ………. .
f) There 9. ………. any computers in the 18th century.
g) The Vikings 10. ………. from Scandinavia and worked as traders.
h) Pompeii 11. ………. a Roman city near Naples.
i) 12. ………. you ride a bike at the age of three? – No, I was too young.
D. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of the verbs:
spend • buy • lose • go • destroy • build • finish • bury • meet • live
1. John and Sally ………. in the farm when they were children.
2. The eruption of Mt Vesuvius ……….. the city under ash.
3. The ancient Egyptians ………. pyramids from stone.
4. Alex, ……….. you ………. to Charlotte’s party last night?
5. Brad (not) ………. a new flat because he had no money.
6. Where ………. you ………. your last summer holiday?
7. I ………. my phone last night. Sorry for not calling you.
8. The earthquake ………. a small village by the sea.
9. Unfortunately, we (not) ………. our project last month. We really need your help.
10. Jill ………. Joan in the mall and they went to the café.

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