A collection of Christmas games
понедельник, 21 декабря 2020 г.
1. Look at the map. What country is it? What can you say about it just studying the map? (Don't use your background knowledge). Now remember your georaphy lessons: what do you know about Australia?
1. What role does a nurse play in the modern medical care system?
What are the duties of a nurse? Do you think it is an old profession? How do you think it appeared?
2. Listen to the story and answer the question: How did the life of Florence Nightingale change the medical world?
3. Now read the text in your student's book (page 77). Compare the information in the text and in the audio broadcast. What extra information did you learn from the broadcast?
4. There are some jobs humanity cannot survive without. What are they? Make a list. What are the top three? Why?
1. Follow the link and watch the video:
2. While watching, write down at least ten words to the topic.
3. Explain these words to your partner.
4. Explain the words one more time: follower, meme, go viral, tweet.
5. Now explain to your greatgrandmother what Instagramm is, what Tweeter is, how to surf the Internet.
6. Act out the dialogue on one of these topics.
Видеоурок о диких животных для дополнительной работы дома:
понедельник, 14 декабря 2020 г.
Видео о животных для самостоятельного просмотра:
Песня по теме нашего модуля "Funny Animals"
Смотрим видео по теме "Health and Illness".